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NYC Local Law One and Lead Paint Abatement

Lead Hazard Tape

New York law places responsibilities on residential landlords regarding lead paint issues that may be present in their units. Many of these duties can be found in New York City’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Act of 2003, commonly referred to as Local Law One. Landlords generally lack the protection of insurance coverage for lead paint liability and therefore should take certain steps before purchasing a building or during ownership should lead paint issues arise. Click the link below to read more about Local Law One and pro-active steps landlords can and should take to avoid liability under the law:

Lead Paint Liability Pursuant to Local Law One for New York City Multiple Dwelling Landlords

Also, see the following for additional information:

Text of Local Law One

Annual Notice to Tenants

“Fix Lead Paint” Brochure for Tenants

Lead Abatement Guidelines under Local Law One


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